College life. It's always in motion. First, you're streaming down the fast lane, not quite sure how you got there or how to control the speed, and when you think you're just about to crash, you slow to a crawl. You have time. Spare time. The most precious thing for a college student.
I have classes. Those classes require me to read in textbooks and learn from them. And, once I'm finally finished, I now have always one more book to read. The Book. The Word. The Bible.
Yes, I have taken that leap into reaffirming my faith. My Baptist faith. I didn't just decide this out of the blue (well, maybe some might argue that but it's not out of the blue for me). Three of the greatest people I have ever met started the idea in my head because they have so many passages committed to memory. I barely knew what was going on.
So, on I shall read. I am in Exodus in the Old Testament and John in the New Testament. Sometimes I take a moment to connect the genealogy or reflect on the day's reading. I already feel closer to God even though I've only just begun!
I am learning more of the New Testament since I have a New Testament class, but it's different. My professor assigned us a paper in there, and my topic is the concept of Jesus' family (I picked it to make that clear). I never knew there were such controversies over Jesus' brothers or Mary's virginity. Fortunately, today I found a book in the college's library that talks about his brothers and how they can only be Jesus' brothers. I looked up passages in my Bible to verify what the author was saying and eventually came to this conclusion (I don't know yet if I am going to include this in my paper): Jesus had four brothers, James, Joses (Joseph), Judas, and Simon, two sisters, and two cousins (that I have read of so far), James and John, who became Jesus' disciples.
Other students here have different religions and beliefs. I understand that. I knew that. But, I want to stand strong in my faith. Stand as strong as a petra (or rock) that only God can move!
This won't take a couple of days, a week, a fortnight, or a month. I'll be finished in a year. Hopefully, I will have a few passages committed to memory, too.
But, I'm only at the beginning. And, "in the beginning was the Word" John 1:1.